Frans de Waal

On Atheists and Bonobos is based on an in-depth filmed conversation between Howard Burton and primatologist Frans de Waal (1948-2024) at Emory University, who is renowned for his work on the behaviour and social intelligence of primates. This thought-provoking conversation examines fascinating questions such as: Are we born with an innate sense of “the good”? Do we learn from others what is “wrong”? Does religion determine, or is it a result of, morality?

This carefully-edited book includes an introduction, Aping Morality, and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter:

  1. Denying Our Inner Animal – Cartesian dogs, religious baggage and false dichotomies
  2. Morality and Evolution – Between chimpanzees and bonobos
  3. The Demise of Veneer Theory – Science discovers human cooperation and empathy
  4. The Roots of Religion – A sociological approach
  5. Community Concern – Chimpanzee groups and Golden Rules
  6.  Beyond Theatrics – Reconciling science, religion and mortality
  7. American Exceptionalism – Speculations on religiosity
  8. Testing Morality – Fairness, cooperation, risk-taking and more
  9. Reasons for Optimism – Positive behaviour throughout the animal world
  10. Breaking Down Barriers – Towards species continuity

Format: eBook
ISBN: 9781771700399

This book is also part of Conversations About Anthropology & Sociology which is available in paperback, hardcover and electronic format.

Available via all major online booksellers, including:

Format: paperback, hardcover & eBook
Conversations About Anthropology & Sociology includes 5 books featuring in-depth conversations with:

  • Ian Stewart (Warwick University)
  • Mark Maslin (UCL)
  • Frans de Waal (Emory University)
  • Joseph Curtin (Master Violinmaker and Acoustician)
  • Fred Gitelman (Former World Champion Bridge)

A one-hour video of this conversation is available on VOD here. Frans de Waal is also featured in 5 documentary-style compilations together with several other renowned researchers. Available on Ideas Roadshow’s digital resources platforms plus Kanopy and Boclips.